Audio Amplifier Maintenance_LEA Professional Blog

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

Audio amplifier maintenance is an important service to help foster lasting relationships between system integrators and their clients. It’s the best way to ensure that the audio systems you deploy will continue to meet your clients’ expectations every single day. And performing regular amplifier maintenance tasks may drastically cut back or even help eliminate unexpected service calls which, can break a clients’ trust.

By installing a professional audio amplifier, like our CONNECTSERIES, you are promising your clients a premium, high-performance audio experience. But, in order to maintain that high level of performance, even the most elite audio equipment needs to be regularly tended to. Just like a Bentley still needs regular oil changes or a Burberry suit still needs a good dry cleaning.

When it comes to amplifier maintenance, we have a few recommendations that will keep your amps running at peak performance.

Let’s dive in!

Keep Your Firmware Up To Date

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

Out-of-date firmware can cause many different issues for your audio systems. It is important to know when new firmware versions are available for your amplifiers and ensure that your units are up to date. Many manufacturers send out update notifications or post messages on their websites to alert integrators of new firmware versions.

You can subscribe to our email newsletter here and follow us on our social media channels to stay informed of any future firmware releases. You can also bookmark our “Downloads” page on our website and check back at your own convenience to see the latest firmware files.

Check The Amp’s Fault & Error Log

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

Most professional amplifier products have the ability to automatically record any faults, errors, or other events. If you are experiencing any issues with your amplifier products, it is a good idea to check these error logs for more details about what happened and how to resolve the issue. It is also recommended to check these logs at a regular interval. Events and errors may have occurred that weren’t critical to the amplifier’s operations or performance. However, these error logs might give you insights into potential issues that could arise in the future if they continue to go unchecked.

With our CONNECTSERIES amps, you can quickly log into the LEA Cloud and check for any Events or Faults without having to physically go on-site. You should get into a habit of checking these logs at least once a month to ensure your client’s systems will continue to operate without any issues.

Clean Or Replace Air Filters

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

We recommend physically checking your amp’s air filters at least once every six months. If too much dust builds up on the filter, it will block air flow and cause your products to overheat. This could result in a Thermal error that would cause your amplifier to shut down.

To avoid this, you can remove the air filters and blow them out with compressed air or even run them through with water to get them clean again. If you do clean them with water, be sure to let them dry completely before replacing them back into your amplifier.

For more air filter cleaning information, check out our Air Filter Care blog post.

Audio Amplifier Maintenance

Track Your Amp’s Power Usage

Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

Today’s amplifier products are much more energy-efficient than the amps of the past. However, if your amplifier is drawing too much or too little power, you may want to troubleshoot and look for issues to avoid a system shutdown. That’s why it is a good best practice to regularly check and record your amp’s power usage. Keeping a running record will give you the ability to recognize your amp’s normal operating power usage and identify times when it may be operating outside of the norm.

With the LEA Cloud platform, you can remotely log in and view your amp’s current power draw without visiting the project site.

Audio Amplifier Maintenance


Audio Amplifier Maintenance: Maintaining Peak Amp Performance

There you have it. By regularly performing the above maintenance tasks, you will drastically reduce the risk of any system failures and ensure your amps and your client’s audio systems, are always operating at peak performance.

If you have any questions or feedback about amplifier maintenance, please leave a comment below or reach out to us on our social media channels.

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