Can I Set a Subnet Mask using the Static IP network settings of the amplifier_FB

Can I set a subnet mask using the Static IP network settings on the amplifier?

Can I set a subnet mask using the Static IP network settings on the amplifier? | FAQ#11

❓FAQ #11  👉 Can I set a subnet mask using the Static IP network settings on the amplifier?

The answer is yes! By using the CIDR method, you can set your subnet mask within the IP address field of the amplifier settings.

Watch this video to see more details about setting a subnet mask with the Connect Series Amplifiers.

CIDR Wiki Link 👉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing

If you have any questions or feedback about setting a subnet mask with our CONNECTSERIES amplifiers, feel free to leave them in the comments below or reach out to us on our social media channels.

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